Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fra Angelico's Annunciation

Not far from the Medici Palace is the Convent of San Marco where Fra Angelico's beautiful frescoes adorn the hallways and individual monks' cells.  The Dominican Order appealed to Cosimo the Elder in 1437 when the church and convent needed renovation.  Cosimo entrusted the work to Michelozzo, the same architect who had designed the Medici Palace.   The decoration of the walls was carried out between 1439 and 1444 by Giovanne of Fiesole, whom we know today as Fra Angelico.  He had several assistants, including the young Benozzo Gozzoli, who would later do the Medici Chapel.  Today the convent is a museum, open to the public.  More information, including a wonderful catalog of the frescoes:

1 comment:

  1. I have a soft spot for Annunciations, esp the one made by Donatello in Santa Croce
