. . . of tuberculosis, at the age of only 34, on July 30, 1488. Her grieving husband Lorenzo wrote the following to Pope Innocent VIII:
Sanctissime ac Beatissime Pater post Pedum oscula Beatorum Vestrorum
Too often am I obliged to trouble and worry Your Beatitude with accidents sent by fortune and divine interposition, which as they are not to be resisted must be borne with patience. But the death of Clarice, which has just occurred, my most dear and beloved wife, has been and is so prejudicial, so great a loss, and such a grief to me for many reasons, that it has exhausted my patience and my power of enduring anguish, and the persecution of fortune, which I did not think would have made me suffer thus. The deprivation of such habitual and such sweet company has filled my cup and has made me so miserable that I can find no peace. Nought is left but to pray God that He may give me peace, and I have faith that in His infinite love He will alleviate my sorrow and not overwhelm me with so many disasters as I have endured during these last year. I humbly beg your Beatitude with all my heart to pray for me as I know how efficacious are such prayers. I commend myself and place myself at Your Holy Feet.----Filetta, July 31, 1488. Your devoted servant, Laurentius de Medicis.
I've posted a view of the interior of the Basilica of San Lorenzo, the Medici family church. There's no mention that I can find of whether or not Clarice is buried in either the Old Sacristry or the New Sacristry, but I would like to think that at least there was a service for her in this beautiful church, designed by Brunelleschi.
I've posted a view of the interior of the Basilica of San Lorenzo, the Medici family church. There's no mention that I can find of whether or not Clarice is buried in either the Old Sacristry or the New Sacristry, but I would like to think that at least there was a service for her in this beautiful church, designed by Brunelleschi.